Pathway to Partner Programme

During this programme, we will help individuals prepare for partnership. This will cover lifting the lid on partnership, building the personal case and business case, and interview preparation.

The programme is a mixture of group sessions and one-to-one coaching.

Welcome to Partnership Programme

During this programme, we will help individuals transition into their partner role. This will cover understanding their role as a worker, leader and owner as well as exploring the relationships they will manage.

It will help individuals to understand and develop their leadership style, think about their personal brand and help others achieve their potential.

In addition, the programme will cover external presence and developing networks as well as innovation and improving business performance.

The programme is a mixture of group sessions and one-to-one coaching.

Pathway to your Future Programme

During this programme, we will help individuals transition from partnership into their future life. This will cover how to approach the change, including hopes and fears.

Working with experts, we will cover financial considerations and midlife health, wellbeing and nutrition.  Finally, we will explore the commitment to the future, including NED roles, trusteeships, building a business etc. This includes planning for succession within their firm and ensuring that a succession plan is in place.

The programme is a mixture of group sessions and one-to-one coaching.

How do the programmes work? 

My Partner Journey programmes can be tailored according to your requirements. The programmes are delivered in partnership with trusted advisers who are experienced in working with partners in professional services firms and the wealth management industry.

Typically, I will blend a series of half-day sessions for the group with one-on-one coaching sessions that allow for a more of a deep dive for the individual partner and to help embed the learning. I will spend time getting to know your firm to ensure that the programmes are delivered in context. Contact me for more information.

Learn more about my coaching services…

What I am really enjoying is the combination of the theory (eg article on building trust) with practical things I can do on a daily basis is really effective for me. Wendy’s career experience brings nuance and relatability.

Thoughts, insights and articles on my experience as a partner at BDO.

During my time at BDO, I interviewed hundreds of potential partners. We always gave them the opportunity to ask questions at the end of the interview and one of the most often asked questions was “what advice would you give to a new partner?”.

Top tips for when you become a partner

During my time at BDO, I interviewed hundreds of potential partners. We always gave them the opportunity to ask questions at the end of the interview and one of the most often asked questions was “what advice would you give to a new partner?”.

Balance and coaching - a shifting mindset. In this article I explore how my attitude to both finding balance and coaching has shifted since I “lost my bubbles” in 2003. Moreover, I consider how a business coach can work with a client to find work life balance.

Where have your bubbles gone?

Balance and coaching - a shifting mindset. In this article I explore how my attitude to both finding balance and coaching has shifted since I “lost my bubbles” in 2003. Moreover, I consider how a business coach can work with a client to find work life balance.

This article was published on the BDO intranet after I lost my dad to Covid-19 and talks about some of the things I learnt during that experience, as well as the support I received.

Grief on the leadership team

This article was published on the BDO intranet after I lost my dad to Covid-19 and talks about some of the things I learnt during that experience, as well as the support I received.